Living Hope CCS .... Offering hope, healing and restoration.

Welcome to Living Hope Christian Counseling Center

Offering a safe place for individuals, their spouses & families, children and adolescents, and church leaders/pastors/clergy as well.

Our Calling is to offer hope, healing, and restoration to hurting people, marriages, and families, using respected therapy practices and solid biblical principles.
(See I Peter 4:10, 11, Romans 12:2, Phillippians 4:8)

Our Purpose is to help each person discover and embrace their true identity in Christ. From this new perspective the person is better able to live relationships in a healthy manner.
(see Ephesians 4:12-15)

Our Message is that we have choices for our lives. We do not have to live under bondage, negativity, or pain of our past or present. There is a better way – God’s way – it works.
(see Matthew 7:7-11, II Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:22-24, I Peter 1:13, Revelation 3:20,21).

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